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Outdoor gym suggestions
Different locations have different kinds of limitations. Here are four different Outdoor exercise area setup suggestions. All of the setups cover the exercise of multiple muscle groups.

A compact and efficient outdoor gym forms for example of OGC7 Core Rack , OG10 Squat and OG30 Bench Press. With this setup, the outdoor exercise area covers multiple muscle groups.

For a more comprehensive training a set with OGC7 Core Rack, OG14 Leg PressOG23 Low Row, OG30 Bench Press and OG41 Front Press covers widely person's muscles.
With a bit bigger budget and area, an excellent set would consist of OGC7 Core Rack, OG10 Squat, OG23 Low Row, OG24 Lat Pulldown, OG30 Bench Press, OG31 Incline Bench Press and OG41 Front Press.

With a bigger budget, the gym can have equipment for more specific muscles, such as OG70 Biceps curl and OG80 Triceps press in addition to the equipment in smaller suggestions.